Welcome to Rappor, and I hope this section tells you all you need to know about us.
If not, give us a call, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Adam Padmore
Managing Director
About us.
“I thought if one part of our story needed a personal touch, it was this one. Why? Well, because it’s the personal touch of our company that has got it to where it is today. Leading the company as its Managing Director, but also being a husband and parent, has driven me to create a culture where our team’s happiness, wellbeing and work/life balance come before any other indicator of our success. Pleasingly, that has become our greatest achievement and we’ve grown from strength to strength because of it.
For me, the priority has been to get the right people on the bus. And to do that we have had to create a better working environment than where people are overworked and undervalued. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt (don’t wear it anymore.)
Since we began in 2014, our culture of care has acted like a magnet to attract great people. People who are astute, skilled and qualified on one hand. And personable, open and positive on the other.
With those first people on board, the magnet grew stronger, attracting other excellent people and attracting clients, too, who think like we do and value what we value: collaboration, easy professionalism, open chats and honest views without faff or fanfare.
Of course, maintaining that culture doesn’t come easily, but it does come naturally. We care more, we provide more, we trust more, we share more, we socialise more and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s seen us grow and expand – from our origins as Cotswold Transport Planning to multidisciplinary Rappor, from local focus to national reach. From one small Cheltenham office to six locations with growing ambition. People and the partnerships they forge will always remain at our heart – they’re there in the twin ‘p’s’ of Rappor. It makes us better, it makes us happy and it makes us who we are.”
Adam Padmore | BSc (Hons), MSc, MCIHT
Managing Director

Cultivating a caring, respectful, supportive, and collaborative culture at Rappor.
We wanted to instil confidence in you by expressing our unwavering dedication to our business, just as we would be committed to yours, should our collaboration come to fruition.
These four core values define our identity and what we stand for, shaping our brand, role as a project partner, and stance as an employer. These values were derived authentically from the insights of every team member, who actively shaped and articulated the essence of Rappor.
Core to our existence is living our best lives and helping others do the same.
Our promise to clients
In essence, we will take problems and challenges off your hands and deliver back timely solutions and successful outcomes.
Rock solid technical proficiency underpins all we do, twinned with regulatory and legislative awareness gained over the years and from being ‘plugged-in’ to councils, authorities and industry bodies. Our life would be easier if any two projects were ever the same, but as they never are, we tailor our response accordingly. We take things personally and our responsibility seriously – focusing on the detail and bending over backwards to find a way. Responsiveness is a valuable weapon in our arsenal too, answering queries with speed but never in haste.
Whether you use one of our services or a suite of them, our commitment won’t change. We’ll help the project flow, keep you in the loop and bring our expertise to bear. It’s about rigour plus vigour.
We’ve also learnt that planning is never black and white. So we balance that expertise with nous and creativity. It is very much key to the rapport we always seek to build.
And, yes, we realise a lot of consultants in our field and others talk this talk. But the fact that we have so many long-term client relationships, so many ‘lifers’ in our team and that even some of our competitors trust in our services, suggests we do also walk the walk.
Qualifications and awards
We are pleased to share below various accreditations belonging to a number of industry recognised bodies aligned with Rappor.