Cheltenham College Granted Planning Permission for the Expansion of Nursery and Pre-School
Cheltenham College Granted Planning Permission for the Expansion of Nursery and Pre-School. Cheltenham College instructed Rappor to prepare a Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Parking Surveys to support a planning application for expanding and improving facilities for Cheltenham College Nursery and Pre-School, Bath Road, Cheltenham.
Issues and solutions
The Local Highway Authority raised concerns with regards to the existing levels of on-site parking, and whether the redevelopment of the Nursery could accommodate the forecast parent / guardian parking demand without resulting in overspill on the local highway network
Following site visits for morning, afternoon and evening parking surveys, Rappor was able to demonstrate that there was spare capacity across the existing on-site car parking provision of the college to accommodate the forecast demand associated with the proposed expansion of facilities.
Furthermore, a Travel Plan was produced in order to demonstrate the accessibility of Cheltenham College – which is located on the edge of Cheltenham town centre – and to encourage more sustainable modes of transport to / from the college by staff and parents / guardians, where possible.
Working with the Architects for the scheme, Roberts Limbrick, Rappor’s transport planning inputs included the submission of a. a Transport Statement, Travel Plan, and Parking Surveys, and Cheltenham College were granted planning permission for the expansion. and improvement of facilities at Cheltenham College Nursery and Pre-School.