Planning Approval For Expansion Of The Cotswold School
Planning Approval For Expansion Of The Cotswold School. Rappor were appointed to undertake a Transport Statement and Travel Plan for a planning application to enable the provision of an additional form of entry at the Secondary School.
Issues and solutions
The access accommodates not only the school but also Cotswold Leisure Centre and a car parking area, which operates independently from the School. It was necessary to demonstrate that the additional demand from the proposed expansion could be safely accommodated both at the shared access and on the adjacent highway network. It was also necessary to provide mitigation to encourage sustainable forms of transport and to prepare a robust school travel plan to encourage a modal shift to sustainable modes for both existing and proposed pupils and staff.
Rappor undertook on site observations during the peak periods and identified that congestion occurred due to the inadequacy of the existing access to accommodate two-way simultaneous coach/bus access at the junction. An improved access arrangement was designed to include widening of the access to improve the circulatory flow for additional buses / coaches accessing and egressing the site as a result of the proposed expansion.
Surveys were also undertaken by Rappor to demonstrate that the additional demand for parent parking could be safely accommodated on the adjacent highway network and the car park adjacent to the school and leisure centre. Public transport infrastructure improvements were also considered in consultation with the local highway authority and will be provided as part of the development.
The work undertaken by Rappor enabled officers to conclude that the proposals were acceptable and planning permission was subsequently granted via a delegated decision.