Home > Projects > Preparation of Travel Plan to Discharge a Planning Condition


Preparation of Travel Plan to Discharge a Planning Condition. SF Express instructed Rappor to provide a Full Commercial Travel Plan to discharge a planning condition supporting their commercial lease of Unit 2, G Park Northampton, Moulton Park Industrial Estate.

Issues and solutions

Unit 2 is located at G-Park Northampton, situated within Moulton Park Industrial Estate. The G-Park comprises three units (Units 1-3) and one build-to-suit logistics warehouse (Unit 4).

Prior to occupation of Unit 2, a Travel Plan needed to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

A Full Travel Plan was prepared to assist the promotion of sustainable travel modes, primarily amongst staff, for travel to and from the site but will also prove beneficial in encouraging visitors to the site to utilise sustainable modes of travel.


The Travel Plan following consultation with the local highway authority was deemed acceptable and the planning condition subsequently discharged.